
Are you interested in performing live, band/ensemble work or developing your instrument skills? Do you want to work as a musician or are you aiming to continue to advanced studies in the field of music? Make your dreams come true and study to be a musician in Gradia.

The vocational upper secondary qualification of Musician is your chance to study to pop/jazz music, classical music, hip hop or music theatre in Gradia. You´ll also have an excellent opportunity to network with other music and media students at The Finnish Music Campus. In addition, you´ll learn about entrepreneurship in the field of music and about marketing your own competence.

The study format combines individual and group studies. Most of the teaching is carried out as group sessions, which is why the student quota will be filled so that bands/ensembles can be formed of the new students.

You also have the opportunity to participate in interesting multi-disciplinary productions and projects of The Finnish Music Campus, for example musicals or operas.

Read more about the Musician training in Gradia (in Finnish), or contact the study services for more information.

Contact information
Kaisu Salminen, Study secretary
+358 (0)40 341 4611